33,000 years ago, humans discovered this cave and left traces of their passage here. A succession of prehistoric civilisations engraved, painted and drew hundreds of works: human hands, abstract signs and motifs, marine and terrestrial animals. Thanks to them, we know that horses, bison, aurochs, ibex, deer, seals, penguins and cetaceans lived in Marseille at the time.
The cave was abandoned 19,000 years ago. The climate gradually warmed, and rising water sealed its entrance 10,000 years ago. Part of the cave was flooded and lost forever, but the sea also protected the remaining works.
The cave is located in the heart of the Parc National des Calanques, beneath Cap Morgiou, a popular spot for hikers. It bears the name of its discoverer, Henri Cosquer, who revealed its discovery to the world in 1991.