The BioLit programme

Discover Marseille's marine biodiversity in a unique and engaging way!

The Planète Mer association is giving you the opportunity to contribute to scientific research into biodiversity, by sharing your observations through the BioLit programme.

Published on 2 July 2024

An extraordinary observation environment

The Mediterranean Sea is one of the world’s top ten biodiversity hotspots. Although it represents only 1% of the total surface area of the oceans, it is home to around 10% of the marine species recorded globally.

With its exceptional marine habitats (Posidonia meadows, scree, cliffs and caves), Marseille’s coastline is home to extraordinary terrestrial and marine biodiversity: 294 species are protected at national level and 140 at regional level.

Marseille’s seabed is particularly well known for its Posidonia meadows. These underwater plants, often referred to as the ‘lungs of the Mediterranean’, play a crucial role in the marine ecosystem, providing oxygen and shelter for many species. In addition to seagrass beds, brown and red algae can also be found lining the rocks and reefs, contributing to biological diversity and providing refuges and feeding grounds for marine organisms.

Take part in a scientific project

BioLit is a participatory science programme based on a simple idea: every citizen is a potential observer. By giving them the means to make observations, using a simple approach, and then pass them on to scientists, they can help to improve knowledge and preserve the coastline.

How does it work?

  1. I register: on the BioLit website
  2. I observe: I walk along the coast and take photos of all the species along the seashore
  3. I share: I share my observations with scientists here

Take a walk along the coast, take photos of all the seaside species you come across and share your observations on the BioLit website.

Each participant now has the opportunity to embark on a thrilling quest to discover the flora and fauna of the coastline. Each successful quest earns you badges, which are more than just a reward – they show your commitment to observing biodiversity. Collect them to become a true BioLitian!

You can take part in BioLit on your own, with your family or friends, by following the simple protocols presented on the site. You can also take part in BioLit outings organised by Planète Mer or one of its 80 relays all along the coast: BioLit outings calendar

Time for your observations!
