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Good addresses in Marseille


We’ve created our map of good addresses in Marseille on Mapstr: let’s get started! Don’t hesitate to subscribe and share it with others.

Published on 29 August 2022
Jade Orengo
  • Marseille in 3 words

    Wonderful, diverse, native.

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    Les Goudes, and its quiet side (in the off-season) for sipping a drink and having an aperitif facing the sunset.

What is Mapstr?

Mapstr is an application that lets you keep all your good addresses at your fingertips (mobile application). You can add addresses you’d like to try out during your stay in Marseille, as well as subscribe to maps already “built” with many of your favorite places. Thanks to tags, you can filter the results according to your desires, and according to your geolocation! No need to think for 2 hours to answer the fateful question of: “Where do we eat?

The desire to showcase our local restaurateurs

Why did we create our Mapstr map? First of all, we wanted to highlight Marseille’s takeaway and delivery restaurants, which are in need of support at this particular time of year. What’s more, Marseille is a gourmet destination with no shortage of tasty gastronomic specialties. Bouillabaisse, navettes, pizzas or aioli, discover the best places to eat in Marseille during your next stay!
