15 november > 5 january

Christmas events in Aix-en-Provence

  • Cultural
  • Commercial event
  • Traditions and folklore
  • Entertainment/recreation
  • Christmas
Cours Mirabeau / Place Villon / Place de la mairie / Places comtales / Place St Jean de Malte / Parc Jourdan 13090 Aix-en-Provence
Lots of festivities are planned, among them the Santons Fair, the Bravade Calendale Festival, the 13 Desserts Market, the New Olive Oil Festival, Christmas gatherings, concerts and pastorals and the March of the Three Kings. Please ask for the programme.


except for some activities

Opening times

From 15 November 2024 until 5 January 2025 Open everyday


Christmas events in Aix-en-Provence
Cours Mirabeau / Place Villon / Place de la mairie / Places comtales / Place St Jean de Malte / Parc Jourdan 13090 Aix-en-Provence
  • www.aixenprovencetourism.com


  • In centre of town
  • Town location
    Updated on 06 August 2024 at 15:21
    by Office de Tourisme d'Aix en Provence
    (Offer identifier : 5463106)
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