Sunday 18 may 2025 at 17:00

Match OM- Rennes

  • Sports and leisure
  • Competitive sport
  • Ball sports
  • Football
Orange Vélodrome 3 Boulevard Michelet 13008 Marseille 8ème
An OM match is a party that the people of Marseillais celebrate together, a party during which the different groups of supporters are particularly inventive with new “tifos”* and new songs.
Don't miss the last home match of the 2024-2025 season! See you on Sunday, May 18 at the Orange Vélodrome!

Opening times

On 18 May 2025 at 17:00


Match OM- Rennes
Orange Vélodrome 3 Boulevard Michelet 13008 Marseille 8ème

Spoken languages

  • French


  • Subway - line 2 : Stop Rond Point du Prado
Updated on 12 July 2024 at 14:27
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5923700)
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