
Kouss-Kouss Festival 2024

Aug. 28, 2024 > Sept. 8, 2024

The Kouss-Kouss Festival is your not-to-be-missed end-of-summer event! Dozens of different organisations from all over Marseille come together to propose their own recipes for this unique dish. This year’s theme is an original and ambitious one: a thousand and one seeds! The whole of Marseille will be vibrating to the rhythm of the Kouss-Kouss Festival!

Published on 16 August 2024

A thousand and one seeds!

Since its launch in 2018, Kouss-Kouss has been exploring the tastes, variations and sounds of this great cross-cultural dish. After harissa (2022) and blue fish (2023), the festival is once again playing the theme card by devoting its new edition to seeds, or rather grains: a plural that is so appropriate given the diversity of the semolina rolled in the secrecy and agility of women’s hands over the course of its travels. From the Belle de Mai to the Plan d’Aou, via the Old Port, Noailles, les Goudes and all the districts where the energy of Marseille’s culinary scene is pulsating, nearly 200 places are invited to vibrate to the rhythm of couscous: emblematic restaurants, emerging tables, solidarity canteens, residents’ associations, third places, bakeries, patisseries, grocery shops…
This 7th edition of Kouss-Kouss, part of L’Été marseillais 2024, is co-produced by the Marseille Tourist Office and Convention Bureau, Marseille Centre and I.C.I-Les Grandes Tables, in partnership with the City of Marseille, the town halls of the 2nd and 3rd arrondissements and the town halls of the 1st and 7th arrondissements.


A rich and varied program

For this seventh edition, 12 days to break the seed! Nearly 180 participants are taking part, from restaurants, chefs, shops and cultural venues all over Marseille. The 8 guest chefs include Hamza Deramchi (Fossoul, Algiers), Faiçal Zahraoui (Azalaï Urban Souk, Marrakech), Senda D. Waguena (Racines, Étretat) and Marina Jost (independent chef, Marseille). Two festive meals (registration required) cooked by the EPICES collective of social integration enterprises: in Bougainville Park, where more than 500 couscous will be served as part of the neighbourhood festival, and on the Villeneuve-Bargemon esplanade, where more than 5,000 couscous will be served this time.
You can sign up here for the different slots available to take part in this great event, but don’t forget to bring your water bottle with you!

For dancing, there will be two evenings on the roof terrace of the Friche la Belle-de-Mai on 6 & 7 September, with performances by AMI and Cabaret Aléatoire. There will also be educational workshops, a big Kouss-Kouss market and book signings…

Did you know?

“Kouss Kouss” is the sound produced by the pestle when grinding wheat, but also one of the first names given to this dish of Berber origin, which has become emblematic of the entire Maghreb.
