Savons posés sur dans une armoire
'Made in france' craftsmen and companies

Living Heritage Marseille

The Phocean city has a cultural and natural heritage, but also a living heritage that makes people envious! Soap factories, ceramic craftsmen, Marseille designers… Discover the very exclusive group of companies that has been awarded the Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant (Living Heritage Company) in Marseille.

La Savonnerie du Midi

Starting this year we are proud to announce that the Savonnerie du Midi has joined the exclusive group of Marseille companies rewarded by the label “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (Living Heritage Company).

A bit of history

When the company ‘la Savonnerie du midi’ was founded in 1894, three brands were created. Today only one remains, “La Corvette”, recognizable by its navy blue logo representing an old sailing ship which encompasses 125 years of history.

A master soap maker still utilises his talents for the soap production according to traditions. Using tools that are sometimes 100 years old such as ‘the cauldron’, the traditional Marseille soap, is made of 72% olive oil, with a unique simple geometric shape and sides stamped with the ‘Savon de Marseille’ seal of authenticity.

Museum and factory store

Since 2018, the site has been opened to the public and welcomes visitors to discover its museum and factory store.

/!\ If you are short of time, you will find a range of products from the Savonnerie du Midi soap factory in our store!

What is the EPV label?

The label “Entreprise du Patrimoine Vivant” (Living Heritage Company) is a state distinction associated with the recognition of rare and exceptional know-how. Created in 2005, it highlights French companies of excellence together with the ‘Made in France’ quality-guaranteed label, particularly relevant with global competition.

Marseille's "EPV" labelled companies

In Marseille, 14 craftsmen or companies have received the “EPV” distinction.

They are :

  • Soap factories: the Sérail soap factory and now the Midisoap factory
  • Santon makers : the Arterra santons, and the Marcel Carbonel santons (santons : small hand-painted clay figurines for the nativity scene)
  • A luthier (string instrument maker): Hommel luthier
  • An engraver, stamp maker and printer : maison Trabuc
  • The manufacture and repair of sails:Voileries phocéennes
  • The manufacture of petanque balls:Blue Ball
  • Designers with the bronze-maker S.A.E.E., the Compagnons de Castellane (restoration of freestone and masonry) and Vivian (restoration of ancient heritage)
  • An herbalist’s shop:Pharmacy of Père Blaize
  • Delicacies with the Dragées Reynaud (manufacture of chocolate dragees and silver beads),(dragees are sugar coated almonds)
  • The Borg Shipyard

If we have omitted anyone, please do not hesitate to let us know!

The European Days of Crafts and Trades

Finally, the European Days of Art Professions were created in 2002. During one week, artistic craftsmen exceptionally open their workshop’s doors to the general public. This special event is organised from 6 to 11 April 2021 and the theme this year will be “Materials at Work”. So please put these day in your diary now and be confident that this event will take place, while respecting social distancing and recommendations associated with Covid-19.
