Practicing the right gestures

Calanques National Park

This summer, the Parc national des Calanques is enjoying particularly high visitor numbers, both on land and at sea. Indeed, it’s a must-see in Marseille, for hiking, swimming and the exceptional scenery offered by this unique site. This long-awaited return to nature after weeks of confinement is unfortunately accompanied by inappropriate and risky behavior. That’s why every visitor must be made aware of the need to respect certain rules and take the right steps to protect the Parc National des Calanques. It goes without saying that each and every one of us is equally responsible.

I adopt the right gesture(s)

1st good gesture: I bring… I take back!

The National Park is not equipped with litter garbage cans. As a wilderness site with difficult access, the Calanques are not intended to be further equipped in the heart of the massif. The cleanliness of the site therefore depends on everyone’s commitment to bringing back and sorting what they bring with them on their visit.

> Waste degrades the landscape and poses a mortality risk for wildlife, both terrestrial and marine.

2nd good deed: I’ll hear the cicadas sing!

Sound broadcasting on land and at sea is prohibited by the decree creating the Parc National des Calanques. Forget connected speakers or any other object that emits music. Enjoy the calm of nature and the song of the cicadas, which is so pleasant at the water’s edge… (or bring your headphones for a siesta!).

> Sound broadcasting is a source of disturbance for biodiversity, particularly for species that are highly sensitive to disturbance, such as certain protected birds in the Calanques. Sound broadcasting also detracts from the character of the site and the way people live together.

Tip 3: Take a smoke break: a breath of fresh air!

It’s important to remember that 60% of human-caused fires are unintentional. They are caused by inappropriate behavior in the forest (barbecues, stoves, cigarettes, etc.). For a day or a few hours, the magic and beauty of a place is worth more than a dose of nicotine in the lungs!

> This natural environment is particularly sensitive to the risk of fire, given its geographical location, high visitor numbers, the presence of housing and its fragile biodiversity. It’s up to us to take precautions!

Did you know?

The “flagrant act of kindness” is back!

Introduced at the end of the 2019 tourist season to encourage visitors to do their bit, the “flagrant act of kindness” is back this summer in the National Park! Any visitor who is “caught” cleaning up a beach or picking up litter found on the paths will be registered by the National Park’s seasonal agents on the list of the best visitors to the Calanques. Prizes worth 68 euros, corresponding to an outing on a heritage sailing boat marked Esprit Parc national des Calanques, are up for grabs.

The sum of 68 euros is also the fine for littering.

The National Park meets its visitors in the field

As it does every summer, the National Park has a strong presence in the field, thanks to its seasonal reception service. Alongside the ranger-monitors, who carry out the National Park’s territorial missions all year round, 43 seasonal agents are mobilized this year in high season to welcome, inform and ensure the safety of visitors.

Here’s an update on the missions of the different profiles you’ll come across on your way!

  • The eco-guards

Ecogarde Parc National Des Calanques (1)

You’ll recognize them by their dark blue “eco-guards” t-shirts!

They raise your awareness of the environment and the challenges facing the region, provide guidance and remind you to do the right thing, and answer questions about the National Park’s heritage…

Where can you find them? In pairs, they patrol the most popular routes and major destinations in the National Park, both on land and at sea.

  • Ecovolunteers

Ecovolontaire Parc National Des Calanques (1)

Recognizable by their dark blue T-shirts emblazoned with “ecovolunteers”!

They welcome you and inform you about access conditions and good practices.

Where can you find them? At the main entrances to the National Park and in the tourist offices of Marseille, Cassis and La Ciotat.

  • Regional Forest Rangers

Gardes Régionaux Forestiers Parc National Des Calanques (1)

Recognizable by their brown polo shirts emblazoned with the insignia of the SUD Region! They monitor fire-sensitive areas, provide information on how to behave in the forest, and reinforce the National Park’s patrols on red-letter days.

Where can you find them? At the interface between town and country, where the risk of fire is particularly high.

Operation “Sea without Plastic
Protecting the turquoise waters of the Calanques

This summer, the Calanques and Port-Cros National Parks are joining forces to limit the use of plastic and preserve the marine environment! To this end, the two national parks have developed a “zero plastic” pack, which is available to service providers who have been awarded the Esprit Parc nationalbrand .

Several tools have been adopted:

  • Reusable food packaging made from organic and vegan fabric!

An alternative Les Outils Mer Sans Plastique to aluminum foil and plastic cling film, this fabric packaging is economical, durable and environmentally friendly. You’ll find it on a hike with one of our Esprit national parkguides or in a bed & breakfast.

  • A 100% biodegradable water bottle

The Vegan Bottle Go is totally harmless to health and the environment.

Les Outils Mer Sans Plastique .jpg(1)

Made entirely from sugarcane and flax, it contains no petroleum and no endocrine disruptors. It is fully biodegradable and compostable. Resistant, lightweight and easy to carry, it’s the perfect alternative to plastic bottles for your hikes and other daily escapades. All Esprit Parc National brand professionals have adopted it!

  • Waste collection bags

Manufactured locally by ESAT, from fishing nets found at sea and boat canvas recovered by the

Les Outils Mer Sans Plastique .jpg(2)

recovered by the Palana association in the Mediterranean, these bags are entirely recycled. With them, you can help your Esprit national park guides collect the garbage found in the Parc national des Calanques during a hike, and leave nature even more beautiful than you found it!

With these fine words and good initiatives, you are WELCOME to the Parc National des Calanques. It’s everyone’s responsibility to respect this environment that offers us so many beautiful things: together, we must return the favor so that we can appreciate it again and again, and pass it on to future generations.
