Banal oven

  • Museum
  • Arts and culture
  • Local history
Rue Thérèse Rastit 13260 Cassis
With its considerable size and its excellent state of preservation, it is a testament to bygone events this day.
Closed on bridges and public holidays
Besides the historical aspect related to local heritage, the excavations undertaken in February and March 2001 by archaeologists have yielded numerous ceramic objects that confirm the existence of an active port in this area between the first and sixth century A.D..


All year 2024 Openon monday, on tuesday, on wednesday, on thursday, on friday


Banal oven
Rue Thérèse Rastit 13260 Cassis
Updated on 20 March 2024 at 16:43
by Office de Tourisme de Cassis
(Offer identifier : 5539618)
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