Archaeological remains.
The largest fleet of ancient vessels in the world, fully restored and presented to the public for the first time.-Lʼéglise de Malaval of 5th century discovered during archaeological excavations helped to better understand the beginnings of Christianity in Western Europe and to reconstruct the Holy oil manufacture.-La Grotte Cosquer testifies one human occupation in Marseille, long before its foundation in 600 BC. Thousands of paintings and prints adorn this cave, inhabited more than 27,000 years ago.
A Museum without walls.
Thanks to ultra-modern multimedia tools, the Museum presents history of Marseille, beyond its own borders.A numerical application will allow customers with smartphones or tablets to discover some places and monuments of the city such as HMR were once (antiquity, middle ages...). This technology will provide both historical information and a faithful reconstruction of the site, thanks to augmented reality.
Until the end of the month of June History Museum entrance ticket allows you to visit the La Marseillaise memorial Saturdays and Sundays at fixed hours and on prior registration.
Guided tours on permanent collections : first saturday of the month.
Historic way tour: first sunday of the month.
Discovery booklet-game " le jeu des petits massaliotes", for children aged 8 to 12.
The Marseillaise memorial, the museum of the Roman Docks and the memorial of the Death camps ( curretly closed for works) are located on the same routes and are attached to the Marseille History museum.
Find the museum and its related sites on the Facebook page of the Museum of History.
Entrance on rue Barbusse.
The tactile tablets are no longer available, nor the audio guides, nor the doc for children, because of the Covid-19.
Surface of the permanent exhibition : 1800
Surface of the temporary exhibition: 150.
Accessible for disabled