Hôtel de Cabre

  • Historic site and monument
  • Historic patrimony
  • Mansion
  • Renaissance
27bis Grand Rue 13002 Marseille 2ème
The Hotel de Cabre is a curiosity. Built in 1535 for Louis de Cabre, alderman of Marseille, this private house is one of the oldest in Marseille.
A mixture of Gothic and Renaissance styles, it borders the Grand'Rue. Spared by the destruction of 1943, the hotel avoided demolition two years later when the street was enlarged. It was moved in one block on hydraulic jacks and turned 90° to be aligned with the streets.

It is not open to the public.


All year 2024 Open everyday


Hôtel de Cabre
27bis Grand Rue 13002 Marseille 2ème
  • www.marseille.fr
Updated on 05 July 2024 at 10:27
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5538398)
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