A tourist and residential district
Located in the south of Marseille, in the 8th district, the Pointe-Rouge district is a primarily residential district, with numerous single-family homes scaling the foothills of the Massif de Marseilleveyre. At the gateway to the Calanques, it’s also a tourist destination with a marina and a sand beach. Built between 1964 and 1972, this major marina offers 1800 berths and a batch of nautical activities (sailing, diving, canoeing, paddling, kite surfing, sea rowing, Polynesian pirogue…).
A true quartier animé, the Pointe-Rouge district brings together numerous restaurants, bars, cafés and clubs. If you want to have fun and party, this is undoubtedly one of the places not to miss in Marseille. Located near the campagne Pastré park, Pointe-Rouge gets its name from the color of the earth on the small cliffs between Pointe-Rouge and Madrague de Montredon.