Carlotta With

  • Restaurant
  • Organic cuisine
  • offers dishes "homemade"
  • Gluten-free dishes
  • Marseille Durable
84 boulevard Vauban 13006 Marseille 6ème
All the preparations are made by hand, and the cooking methods are always healthy and well thought out according to the great precepts of holistic medicine.
The space is shared between a restaurant, a deli counter, an atypical bakery and recently, a bookstore space dedicated to cooking, nutrition, health and well-being.

Themed cooking workshops, always anchored on our values: gastronomy, pleasure and well-being.
  • Ils s'engagent
    Marseille Durable
    Carlotta With is committed to sustainable eating and has been awarded the 2 Ecotables label. This label, a specialist in sustainable catering, focuses on sourcing, health, the menu, waste, resources, communication, ethics and social issues, and helps to anchor the establishment in continuous improvement. Carlotta With's approach is to offer its customers seasonal cuisine based on organic and sustainable produce. All dishes are prepared using traditional methods, and cooking methods are always healthy and carefully considered in accordance with the precepts of holistic medicine.


  • Activities
  • Gastronomy

  • Restaurants and wines

  • Equipment
  • Parking

  • Terrace

  • Services
  • Restaurant

  • Home delivery

  • Brunch

  • Click & Collect

Quality standards



Carlotta With
  • Marseille Durable
84 boulevard Vauban 13006 Marseille 6ème
Contact Carlotta With
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  • French
Updated on 10 July 2023 at 11:31
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 6039447)
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