Chez Marco

  • Restaurant
  • Fish
  • Mediterranean cuisine
  • Traditional French cooking
  • Italian cuisine
  • Provençal cuisine
  • Traditional cooking
Anse du Prophète Corniche J.F.Kennedy 13007 Marseille 7ème
Located at the seaside at the beach Prophète on the Corniche, Chez Marco restaurant proposes you Italian and Provençal specialities.
All prepared in a professional way and presented with the attention of the friendly team that will welcome you in a warm way making you part of an exceptional gastronomic experience.

The restaurant also organizes family celebrations, birthdays, business meetings or organized meals, all of which are stipulated in advance with a menu personalized to the client's tastes.

The picturesque area in which the restaurant is located, on the seaside, evokes the beauty of the Mediterranean nature...


  • Equipment
  • Terrace

Bank/credit cardBank/credit card
Titres restaurant (vouchers)Titres restaurant (vouchers)


Chez Marco
Anse du Prophète Corniche J.F.Kennedy 13007 Marseille 7ème
Contact Chez Marco
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Spoken languages

  • German
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch


  • Close to a public transportation
  • Bus stop < 500 m
  • Sea view
  • Feet in the water: sea
  • Panoramic view
Updated on 15 June 2023 at 17:08
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5536779)
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