Coquille bistrot marin

  • Restaurant
  • Fish
  • Sea food
  • Traditional cooking
8 rue Euthymènes 13001 Marseille 1er
To come and eat at Coquille is to let yourself be carried away in a tasting with iodized notes, orchestrated by a pair of passionate people overflowing with talent and sympathy!
They imagine this restaurant as a real place of sharing and conviviality, with a shellfish and shellfish shop and a menu based on fresh fish.
A place where the cuisine is generous and gourmet, serving raw products from suppliers who are true artisans of taste.
The menu is translated into English.


Animals accepted
  • Accessibility
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs

  • Equipment
  • Covered terrace

  • Terrace

  • Services
  • Pets welcome


Rates 2024

A la carte
From 35€ to 50€
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card


50 place setting
90 Dining tables outside


All year 2024 Openon tuesday, on wednesday, on thursday, on friday, on saturday, on sunday


Coquille bistrot marin
8 rue Euthymènes 13001 Marseille 1er
Contact Coquille bistrot marin
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Spoken languages

  • Italian
  • English
  • French
Updated on 15 March 2024 at 17:28
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5847058)
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