Pétrin Couchette

  • Restaurant
  • Organic cuisine
  • offers dishes "homemade"
  • Fast food
  • Marseille Durable
7 cours Saint Louis 13001 Marseille 1er
Pétrin Couchette is a hybrid bakery, specialty coffee shop, sandwich shop, evening event, and more.
The team prepares fresh bread every day and also sweet treats such as cakes (with & without gluten) as well as homemade sandwiches, buns, filled focaccia and many other creations as they see fit. In perpetual change with the seasons as a guideline, the offer will be brought to evolve greatly far from the "typical" items that one can find in a classic bakery. The desire to renew, change and play with ideas is in the DNA of the Small Group trio and will also be a common thread in the activity...
  • Ils s'engagent
    Marseille Durable
    Pétrin Couchette is committed to sustainable eating and has been awarded the 3 Ecotables label. This label, a specialist in sustainable catering, focuses on sourcing, health, the menu, waste, resources, communication, ethics and social issues, and anchors the establishment's approach to continuous improvement. Pétrin Couchette's approach involves making bread the old-fashioned way, using long fermentations, natural sourdough and old varieties of wheat from local and oraganic producers.


Takeaway sales
  • Equipment
  • Terrace

  • Services
  • Restaurant

  • Fast food

  • Picnic hampers

  • Takeaway/cooked dishes

  • Caterer

  • Tea Room/ Coffee Shop

  • Brunch

  • Continuous service

Quality standards



50 place setting
50 Dining tables outside


All year

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00

09:00 - 19:00


Pétrin Couchette
  • Marseille Durable
7 cours Saint Louis 13001 Marseille 1er
Contact Pétrin Couchette
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  • www.petrincouchette.com

Spoken languages

  • French
Updated on 24 January 2023 at 17:06
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 6347795)
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