Succulentes Café

  • Restaurant
  • Lactose-free dishes
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Vegan cuisine
  • offers dishes "homemade"
  • Gluten-free dishes
  • Saladerie
  • Speciality tarts/open sandwiches
  • Traditional cooking
  • Fast food
  • Marseille Durable
16 bd Vauban 13006 Marseille 6ème
The Succulentes Café offers fresh food from local produce, and a store area that sells cacti and succulents.
We make the seasons pass by in your plates and cook according to our desires. Everything is cooked with fresh products, from local agriculture and organic at the most.
Coffee shop, cakes on order, aperitif, company meals, weddings...
  • Ils s'engagent
    Marseille Durable
    Succulentes café is committed to sustainable eating, and has been awarded the FIG label specifically for restaurateurs. This label, based on the carbon impact of our food, focuses on ingredients and actions concerning waste, waste and energy. Les Succulentes Café's approach is to use seasonal, local and as much organic produce as possible. Succulentes Café has also been awarded the "Eco-défis Or" label for its commitment to waste management, water, energy, transport and social responsibility.


Takeaway sales
  • Services
  • Shop

  • Restaurant

  • Takeaway/cooked dishes

  • Caterer

  • Tea Room/ Coffee Shop

  • Brunch

  • Continuous service


Rates 2024

A la carte


All year

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30

09:00 - 17:30


Succulentes Café
  • Marseille Durable
16 bd Vauban 13006 Marseille 6ème
Contact Succulentes Café
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  • French
Updated on 31 May 2024 at 16:33
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 6078085)
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