V&V par Mr Coti

  • Restaurant
  • Vegetarian cuisine
  • Vegan cuisine
  • Bistro restaurant
  • Traditional cooking
151 Avenue Joseph Vidal 13008 Marseille 8ème
Here, sunsets can be collected and shared on any occasion.
Welcome to V&V Coti, where the cuisine we offer is balanced with healthy, gourmet, homemade dishes.

Sit on the terrace under the parasols, in our cosy dining room or on our rooftop, where you can imagine yourself floating on the Mediterranean, and order our tapas, cocktails, wines, seafood and tasty desserts.
Join us every Sunday for brunch.

Our restaurant is the perfect venue for all your private functions.
Let's work together to create the event that's right for you.


  • Accessibility
  • Accessible for self-propelled wheelchairs

  • Equipment
  • Rooftop

  • Terrace

  • Services
  • Restaurant

  • Click & Collect


Rates 2024

Adult menu
From 25€ to 40€
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card


70 place setting
30 Dining tables outside

Groups (Max capacity)

  • 75 Maximum number of people


All year 2024 Open everyday


V&V par Mr Coti
151 Avenue Joseph Vidal 13008 Marseille 8ème
Contact V&V par Mr Coti
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  • www.v-et-v-restaurant-marseille.com

Spoken languages

  • English
  • French
Updated on 26 July 2024 at 10:36
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 6592028)
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