See photos (5)

Berre l'Etang : la randonnée des amis

Sport, Pedestrian sports, Hiking itinerary in Berre-l'Étang
8.8 km
  • "La randonnée des Amis", named after the hiking club of Berre l'Etang, will make you discover the small Camargue of Berre.

  • You will pass through sometimes wild places, in a quiet and restful nature with beautiful views on the surroundings before going along the pond, its shell beaches and going up the bank of the Arc through an agricultural plain. In spring, the fields are covered with flowers. A delight! Because of its small difference in altitude, this walk will satisfy the whole family.
  • Departure
  • Difference in height
    39 m
  • Plain text period
    All year round.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
39 meters of difference in height
  • Maximum altitude : 15 m
  • Total positive elevation : 39 m
  • Total negative elevation : -39 m
  • Max positive elevation : 10 m
  • Min positive elevation : -12 m