Between rice fields and reed beds on the Pont de Rousty trail

Sport, Pedestrian sports, Hiking itinerary in Arles
5.3 km
  • This trail offers a real presentation of the natural environments of the Camargue related to water, you will travel in unique landscapes !

  • With your back to the Camargue Museum, start the ride on the left. Walk along the Rousty canal for more than 1 km. 1 - Go to the right and continue for 600 m. 2 - at the intersection of the two paths, turn to the left. 3 - Turn left at the footbridge to discover the reed bed. Walk the bridge to the point of view and retrace your steps. In point 3, turn left to reach the observatory. Then retrace your steps and in point 2 continue straight. 4 - At the intersection of the two paths, follow the...
    With your back to the Camargue Museum, start the ride on the left. Walk along the Rousty canal for more than 1 km. 1 - Go to the right and continue for 600 m. 2 - at the intersection of the two paths, turn to the left. 3 - Turn left at the footbridge to discover the reed bed. Walk the bridge to the point of view and retrace your steps. In point 3, turn left to reach the observatory. Then retrace your steps and in point 2 continue straight. 4 - At the intersection of the two paths, follow the path on the right and then return to the Camargue Museum.

    Difficulté = Easy

  • Departure
  • Departure : Museum of the Camargue, Arles.
    Arrival : Arles.
    11 km south of Arles, by the D570.
    Parking : Parking Musée de Camargue, Arles.
    Envia transport network : Line 20 > Arles/the Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer (bikes racks) >>;
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)