
Histoire & Paysages

Sport, Pedestrian sports, Hiking itinerary in Ceyreste
3.3 km
1h 15min
Very easy
  • The itinerary takes you through a peaceful village that has managed to preserve its tranquillity and
    peace and quiet. You'll wander through cool, picturesque alleyways, ending up in the unspoilt countryside that surrounds the village.

  • Departure
  • Difference in height
    66 m
  • Plain text period
    All year round.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)
66 meters of difference in height
  • Maximum altitude : 118 m
  • Minimum altitude : 64 m
  • Total positive elevation : 66 m
  • Total negative elevation : -66 m
  • Max positive elevation : 27 m
  • Min positive elevation : -46 m