The Petit-Rhône dike

Sport, Pedestrian sports, Hiking itinerary in Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer
24.6 km
  • Take the dike and follow the Petit-Rhône along the water, one of the two arms of the Rhône

  • From the rest area of ??Paty-de-la-Trinité, head towards the Petit-Rhône and take the dike on the left which runs along the Petit-Rhône for 12 km. 1 - At the Sylvéréal Bridge, make a U-turn to return to the rest area of ??Paty-de-la-Trinité.

    Difficulté = Very easy

  • Departure
  • Departure : Rest area of ??Paty-de-la-Trinité, Arles.
    Arrival : Le Paty-de-la-Trinité.
    18 km south-west of Arles, by the D570.
    Parking : Stationnement à l’aire de repos du Paty-de-la-Trinité.
  • Documentation
    GPX / KML files allow you to export the trail of your hike to your GPS (or other navigation tool)