
The Podestat calanque

Discover the calanque of Podestat, a small calanque accessible from Marseille, and its preserved environment.

Discover the calanque

An accessible cove

Podestat is a small cove, the fourth cove of the Marseilleveyre massif from Marseille. Accessible in about 2 hours of walking for 3 kms from Callelongue, it is also the last cove before approaching the col de Sormiou.
Surrounded by the minor creeks of Queyrons and Escu, it offers a fairly flat walking path along the sea. However, be sure to bring good hiking boots, as some parts can be steep!

A protected environment under surveillance

A large part of the cove is occupied by more or less coarse sand surrounded to the east and west by a rocky edge formed by large blocks, scree, with a large cave to the southwest.

The cove ends with a pebble beach that extends underwater. There is no Posidonia meadow, but the presence of roots and dead matte under a few centimetres of sediment shows that this ecosystem was formerly established in this cove. Its disappearance is probably linked to the proximity of the Cortiou outfall, which has been discharging waste water from the Marseille conurbation since 1896.

The cove is dominated by the Têtes de Malvallon and the plateau of the dead man.

Did you know ?

The founding myth of the city of Marseille is a beautiful love story between Protis and Gyptis.
Legend has it that the marriage between this handsome sailor from Phocaea in Asia Minor and Gyptis, the daughter of the Ligurian king Naan, was celebrated here 2,600 years ago.

The calanque is owned by the EDF

Since 1930 the cove has belonged to EDF, which has made it a place for observing and preserving biodiversity. In 2012, EDF commissioned the Paul Ricard Institute to carry out a study on the monitoring of the fauna and flora, and produced a report on the changes in biodiversity relating to
– changes in water quality linked to the improved treatment of urban and rainwater discharges from the neighbouring wastewater treatment plant (Cortiou);
– the change in protection status with the creation of the Calanques National Park
– to global Mediterranean climate change (biodiversity variation).

Practicle information

Access to this cove is only possible on foot (hiking trail GR98-51). There is no water or catering available on site.
