
The Niolon Calanque

small port of the blue coast

In the heart of the Côte Bleue, discover the Calanque de Niolon, known because it is located on the long-distance path leading to the calanque of Ensuès-la-Redonne: the Douaniers path.

What to see in the Niolon Calanque ?

The Calanque de Niolon is the second calanque after La Vesse, starting from l’Estaque (16th district of Marseille) in the direction of Martigues.

You can quickly walk around this charming village with its traditional houses and small huts by following the path that leads down to the port and to the only tiny beach.

Apart from the beauty of this picturesque little port, its main attraction is its unobstructed view over the harbour of Marseille and the islands of Frioul.

Its privileged location, sheltered from the wind, is ideal for scuba diving.

A UCPA centre on the spot offers its activities: a real haven of peace, its site occupies the entire peninsula of the calanque. Its location in the marine park and the remains of old shipwrecks off the coast make for beautiful discoveries in depth.

You will find a few restaurants on site and in particular the Auberge du Mérou which has a very large panoramic terrace and a few rooms.

Customs path from Niolon to La Redonne 

The Calanque de Niolon is a small port, especially known by hikers who take the GR from the railway station to the Calanque of Ensuès la Redonne.  The walk takes 3 hours, with some difficult sections, and is punctuated by magnificent views along the railway line and over the sea.

This section of the “sentier des Douaniers” crosses many creeks: Erevine, Méjean, Figuières, les Anthénors… As far as La Redonne, which can attract a public motivated by swimming, which is not necessarily equipped as it should be. This rocky path is sometimes steep and requires good footwear and sufficient water (at least 1.5 L per person), as there is no possibility of filling water bottles.

Access to the Niolon Calanque 

  • By train : See the page on the “Côte bleue” website which details the advantages of the TER Marseille-Miramas train, information on timetables: 
  • By road: motorway A55 exit n° 7 “Le Rove” then follow the direction “Niolon”.  

/!\ Please note: access to motorised vehicles is regulated during the summer season (check with Le Rove town hall). Moreover, parking is difficult and limited, it is recommended to carpool.
