A stroll through the Panier to the Mucem
Start your visit from the Tourist Office, located on the Canebière. Walk past the Palais de la Bourse and turn right towards the Jardin des Vestiges. You can see the ancient ramparts, “Crinas Wall” dating from the 3rd century BC, as well as a city gate protected by two towers. Continue along the Grand Rue towards Le Panier. In this street, the oldest house in Marseille: the Hôtel de Cabre; which has the peculiarity of having been moved on a chassis over nearly 15 meters, and having undergone a rotation of 90° during a redevelopment of the district after the 2nd World War. You can see the former inscription “Rue Bonneterie” on its facade. Go to Place Bargemon below the majestic Hôtel Dieu, and you’ll see the Pavillon Daviel but also a building curiously adorned with pointed-cut stones: the Maison Diamantée, one of the oldest houses in Marseille.