©Goélette Alliance - croisière après-midi

©Goélette Alliance - croisière après-midi
Proposed program for the Sailing Afternoon in the Calanques :
- 1:30 pm: Reception of passengers at the Quai d'Honneur (Breakdown 2) in Marseille's Old Port.
- Traditional sailing in Marseille harbor.
- Visit to the Calanques du Frioul or the Côte Bleue (weather permitting).
- Anchor and swim, then relax aboard the yacht.
- 17:30: Return to Marseille's Old Port.
Duration : 4 hour(s)
Number of participants : Le voilier peut accueillir jusqu'à 30 passagers, profitez d'un voyage en petit comité.
Proposed program for the Sailing Afternoon in the Calanques :
- 1:30 pm: Reception of passengers at the Quai d'Honneur (Breakdown 2) in Marseille's Old Port.
- Traditional sailing in...