Friendly Mel Otlcm 67 water bottlesFriendly Mel Otlcm 67 water bottles
©Friendly Mel Otlcm 67 water bottles
The #GourdeFriendly project

Where to fill my canteen?

Plastic water  bottles are one of the most environmentally damaging types of packaging waste. Every year in France 15  billions of plastic bottles are  sold and 10 000 tonnes leak in the Mediterranean sea. The tourist office of Marseille and the City of Marseille have team up to launch the  project  #GourdeFriendly, with Hooli as a sponsor.

The objective: to facilitate the use of water bottles by increasing the number of access points to drinking water while reducing plastic waste in the region. A campaign was thus organized among traders, restaurateurs, bars and any establishment open to the public, wishing to participate in this territorial issue. 33 establishments spread across the heart of the city have already come forward to become a #GourdeFriendly Ambassador, in order to offer free water filling to anyone who requests it. To find them: nothing could be simpler! All the addresses of the city’s fountains and #GourdeFriendly ambassadors are listed on HOALI’s interactive map.


