Bibliothèque Saint André

  • Cultural
  • Library - media library
6 Boulevard Jean Salducci 13016 Marseille 16ème
A former school converted into a library in 1988, the library is located right next to the Saint-André church. It offers 35,000 items (books, CDs, DVDs, texts and periodicals) in the youth, adult and music sections.


Wine growing
Personal development
Stamp collecting
  • Activities
  • Discovery

  • Wine growing

  • Agricultural

  • Bee-keeping

  • Personal development

  • Industry

  • Computer

  • Genealogy

  • History

  • Stamp collecting

  • Astrology

  • Psychology

  • Virtual reality

  • Health

  • First Aid

  • Technology/Electronics

  • Board games

  • Sculpture

  • Crafts

  • Arts

  • Paintings graphic arts

  • Pottery

  • Binding and frames

  • Silk-screen printing

  • Scrapbooking

  • Weaving

  • needlework

  • Wood work

  • Religion

  • Spiritual retreats

  • Tradition/folklore

  • Gastronomy

  • Oenology, study of wines

  • Regional products

  • Plastic arts

  • Jewellery

  • Silk painting

  • Basketry

  • Restaurants and wines

  • Botanical

  • Water

  • Environment

  • Fauna - flora

  • Gardening

  • Architecture

  • Astronomy

  • Restoration sites

  • Glassware

  • Cinema

  • Circus

  • Magic

  • Instrumental music

  • Photography

  • Theatre

  • Audiovisual/media

  • Language courses

  • Graphology

  • Calligraphy

  • Ceramics

  • Cosmetics

  • Iron work

  • Engraving

  • Creative hobbies

  • Fine leather goods

  • Aeronautical

  • Archeological digs

  • Geology


All year 2025 Closed on monday, on sunday


Bibliothèque Saint André
6 Boulevard Jean Salducci 13016 Marseille 16ème
Contact Bibliothèque Saint André
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