Safety information

Emergency number Marseille

It sometimes happens that your stay doesn’t quite go according to plan, so we’ve put together a list of all the numbers and places that might be useful to you!

Emergency numbers


Call 15 if you need a medical team to intervene ina situation of vital distress.

Center 15 is open 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Hearing-impaired people should dial 114 by SMS.

Fire department

Call 18 in the event of a dangerous situation or accident.

For example, in the event of a fire, gas leak, landslide, road accident or domestic accident.

Hearing-impaired people should dial 114 by SMS.

The police

Call 17 in the event of a break-in, assault, theft, violence or accident requiring police intervention.

For the hearing-impaired, dial 114 by SMS.

On-call pharmacy

To find your nearest on-call pharmacy, dial 3237 or visit:

Other useful numbers

Poison Control Center > 04 91 75 25 25

Hospital emergencies :
Hôpital de la Timone – 264 Rue St Pierre, 13005 Marseille – 04 91 38 00 00
Hôpital de la Conception – 147 Boulevard Baille 13005 Marseille – 04 91 38 00 00
Hôpital Nord – Chemin des Bourrely, 13015 Marseille – 04 91 38 00 00
Hôpital Saint Joseph – 26 Bd de Louvain, 13008 Marseille – 04 91 80 65 00

For dental emergencies > 0 892 566 766

Urgence Vétérinaire Marseille > 04 88 60 39 00 (24h/24)

Credit card theft > 0 892 705 705

Electricity emergency > 0 972 67 50 13
Gas emergency > 0 800 47 33 33
Water emergency > 0 969 39 40 50

Lost and found:

A few safety tips

Your safety is important, so here are a few tips and measures to help you avoid problems during your stay.

In the street and on public transport:

  • Make sure your handbag is closed.
  • Don’t put your wallet in your back pocket.
  • Keep an eye on your personal belongings when you’re out and about, especially during crowds and large gatherings.
  • Don’t leave your personal belongings in your bicycle basket.
  • Don’t be distracted by strangers
  • Don’t handle money in the street.

On the beach:

  • Carry only the money you need for the day.
  • Leave your valuables and identity documents in a safe place in your accommodation.
  • Carry photocopies of your passports.
  • Avoid displaying wallets, jewelry, cell phones, etc. in plain view.
  • Do not leave your personal belongings unattended while swimming.

In the car:

  • Always lock the doors and trunk.
  • When parked, close the windows.
  • When you’re away, never leave the keys in the ignition, even for a moment. Do not leave bags or luggage in view in the car.