
Free parking in Marseille

If you want to use your car to get to Marseille, you’ll need to find a free parking space so that you don’t end up with a hefty bill at the end of the day. In many of Marseille’s arrondissements, parking is subject to a charge and is often time-limited, but there are ways of parking for free. Residents or non-residents, find a parking space that won’t cost you a penny.



On-street parking

On-street parking in Marseille is being developed to allow better sharing of the public highway between the various modes of transport, with spaces for free or paid parking, for disabled people, for deliveries, taxis, two-wheelers, etc.

Short-term parking (minute stops)

There are a number of free on-street parking spaces in Marseille, including those reserved for short-stay or stop-and-go parking: delivery areas and stop-and-go areas. At delivery bays, you can stop to pick up or drop off a passenger, but you cannot move away from the vehicle and must leave quickly. Minute stops, on the other hand, allow you to park and leave the vehicle within the authorised parking time limit.

Parking outside paid hours

Free on-street parking is available outside the pay-and-display periods, i.e. from Monday to Saturday between 7pm and 9am, on Sundays all day and on public holidays. For residents, parking is free from Monday to Friday between 6pm and 9am, on Saturdays and Sundays all day and on public holidays. However, parking is limited in time depending on the geographical area.


Parking in the park-and-ride facilities

RTM season ticket holders (Pass Permanent, Annual, 30-day, 7-day, combined, free circulation or Pass Métropole Permanent or Annual) can park free of charge in the available park-and-ride facilities, provided they use public transport (tram, bus, metro). Season ticket prices include parking in the park-and-ride facilities. There are several RTM park-and-ride facilities in Marseille, usually close to metro or tramway stations.

