Transport Marseille

Public transport in Marseille

Everything you need to know about the metro, buses, trams and ferries

We share with you information and tips on how to find your way around the wide range of useful tickets for public transport in Marseille.

Transport tickets

In Marseille the public transport ticket is a contactless card. To use it, you have to place it against a reader available at the entrance to all modes of transport, in order to validate your journey. Its format is that of a bank card, with or without a name.

Once the ticket has been validated, you can travel freely on the entire Marseille bus, tram and metro network for a period of 60 minutes. If you change modes of transport, you must systematically validate your ticket. As long as you are within the first 60 minutes, the terminal reader will indicate “unchanged balance”. You only pay once.

Trip type

There are several types of ticket:

The solo secours – 2€ – a one trip ticket sold on board the bus by the driver. You are required to carry extra money. The solo – 1.70€ – The ticket can be recharged at a terminal located in a metro station, a tram stop or at RTM retailers. An additional 10 cents is added to cover the cost of the holder.

Subtlety for access to the metro for “solo” and “solo secours” tickets: only one access to the metro is allowed. You can change lines within the metro station, but if you leave the metro station, you can’t return with this ticket. You will have to use a new one.

The 10-trip card – 15€ – This ticket allows you to travel 10 times 1 hour on the entire bus and metro network. It can be recharged twice and used by several users simultaneously. An additional 10 cents is added to cover the cost of the carrier.

Group ticket for 4 people – 4.90€ – This ticket allows 4 people travelling together to use a single ticket for one hour. When entering the public transport, it will have to be validated only once, for the whole group.

Unlimited type

Two tickets are available: the 24h (5.20€) and the 72h (10.80€)

These passes, individual and non-nominative, are valid for 24 or 72 hours, from the first validation. They allow you to travel unlimited on the RTM network including buses, metros, trams and the ferry-boat line.

Subscription type

RTM offers a very advantageous formula: the 7-day pass for all – 15.50€.

The pass is valid for 7 days from the first validation. As with the other tickets, each time you get on a public transport system, you have to validate it on the reader. This pass allows unlimited travel on the RTM network including buses, metros, trams and the ferry line. Just like the 24h or 72h tickets.

In addition, it gives unlimited access to the maritime shuttles which run in season to link Estaque to the Old Port, the Old Port to the Pointe-Rouge and the Pointe-Rouge to Les Goudes.

It also allows you to use the TER (regional express trains) as far as Estaque, Septèmes-les-Vallons and la Barasse) and the buses outside Marseille in the BLUE zone.

/If you do not have a photo ID card on which to load this pass, you must go to the RTM reception desk with a recent colour photo ID and proof of identity. The creation of the card is free.

Marseille's ferries

Single ticket price: 5€ or 8€.

During the summer season, boat-buses run between the Old Port and l’Estaque, the Old Port and the Pointe Rouge and between the Pointe Rouge and les Goudes. Tickets are purchased when passengers board. The one-way ticket costs 5€. The journey from the Old Port to Les Goudes (with a stop and connection at the Pointe Rouge port) costs 8€, one way. Payment only in cash.

A good deal: holders of a nominative card with a 7-day, monthly or annual subscription have unlimited access to the maritime shuttles (within the limits of the places available on board the boats).

Points of sale

By credit card

Pay for your journey directly at a validator with your bank card on the entire RTM network
Bus, tram, metro and ferry boat. All you have to do is present your contactless bank card at the dedicated validators.

From the bus driver

The bus driver will only sell the solo emergency ticket as a back-up. A top-up is required.

At the tram stop

Each tram stop has a ticket machine where you can buy tickets or top up your personal card. Payment can only be made by credit card.

In the metro station

All metro stations have machines where you can buy tickets or top up your personal card. Depending on the size of the station, different payment methods (cash or credit card) are accepted.
Some gates are now equipped with an immediate payment terminal (CB only), so there’s no need to go through a pay station.

Approved vendors

Marseille has 150 RTM-approved vendors. A map is available to locate them.

Opening hours

RTM Welcome Points

4 metro stations have a reception point, open 7 days a week, from 6.50am to 7.40pm. To meet with an agent, pick up a paper timetable or get your free name card, go to Saint-Charles, Noailles, Vieux-Port or Castellane.

At Gèze, La Rose and Sainte Marguerite-Dromel metro stations, the reception point is open from Monday to Saturday from 6.50am to 7.40pm.

The Bourse customer service area, located at 6 rue des Fabres, in the 1st arrondissement, is only open to the public from Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 6pm.

Transport in the city

The metro
In Marseille, the metro opens at 5.30 am and closes at 9.30 pm from Monday to Thursday (Since 23 October 2023, the metro has closed exceptionally at 9.30 pm as part of the train renewal project).
Timetables remain unchanged for :
– Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays
– public holidays and the eve of public holidays
– evenings of matches or special events

5 am > 9 pm
9 pm > 12:30 am (Fluobus)

The 16 RTM park-and-ride facilities 

In Marseille, the definition of a park-and-ride facility is different from the one we are used to. Due to a lack of space, the so-called “relay” car parks are reserved only for holders of a personal card, which must be presented against a reader at the entrance and exit of the car park.

For subscribers with a 7-day, monthly, annual or permanent pass, parking is free.

Those who have a nominative transport card on which they load a reserve of money for occasional journeys have access to these car parks, but will have to pay at the exit. The cost of parking is deducted directly from the transport card.

If you park in these car parks without using a return bus, metro or tramway ticket, a flat rate of €15 will be deducted from your card.

It is forbidden to park for more than 24 hours. You can leave the car parks 24 hours a day.

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