Une Table au Sud - Lionel Levy

  • Restaurant
  • Mediterranean cuisine
  • Gastronomic cuisine
  • Gastronomic restaurant
2 Quai Du Port 13002 Marseille 2ème
In a sober and contemporary setting, overlooking the Old Port in front of the "Bonne Mère", we propose you to discover a Mediterranean inspired cuisine, creative and dynamic with seasonal products.
Lionel and Florence Lévy have created the second gastronomic restaurant in the city: in 2013 they will take over the restaurant of the InterContinental Hotel Dieu, and will pass the baton to Ludovic and Karine Turac, respectively Lionel Lévy's former second-in-command and sommelier.
The menu is constantly renewed and the cellar is amazing with more than 250 references.
He was the youngest Michelin-starred chef in France in 2015 at the restaurant Une Table, au Sud, which he has been running...


Air conditioning
Animals accepted
Takeaway sales
  • Activities
  • Gastronomy

  • Regional products

  • Restaurants and wines

  • Equipment
  • Parking nearby

  • Air conditioning

  • Services
  • Pets welcome

  • Restaurant

  • Takeaway/cooked dishes

  • Click & Collect

Quality standards

Gault MillauGault Millau


Rates 2024

Adult menu
From 85€ to 160€
American ExpressAmerican Express
Bank/credit cardBank/credit card


70 place setting


All year 2024 Open everyday


Une Table au Sud - Lionel Levy
2 Quai Du Port 13002 Marseille 2ème
Contact Une Table au Sud - Lionel Levy
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  • www.unetableausud.com

Spoken languages

  • Italian
  • English
  • Spanish
  • French


  • Airport within 5 km
  • Close to a motorway
  • In centre of town
  • Town location
  • Station district
  • Close to a public transportation
  • Bus station under 300 m
  • Bus stop < 500 m
  • Subway station < 500 m
  • Landing stage less than 500 m
  • Panoramic view
Updated on 21 August 2024 at 16:30
by Office de Tourisme des Loisirs et des Congrès de Marseille
(Offer identifier : 5254340)
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