
Press and communication contacts

Our 100% female and 200% passionate team, dedicated to communication and press relations is at your disposal!

Silvie 2Silvie 2
©Silvie 2
Silvie Allemand
Executive Assistant, Communication and Press Manager
  • Marseille in 3 words

    Dazzling, friendly but modest

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    Vauban and Notre-Dame de la Garde. For its village side, its small houses with flowery gardens, its lanes which invite you to stroll under the benevolent gaze of the “Bonne Mère”.

Estelle Desrutins
Communication, Publishing and Social Networks Officer
  • Marseille in 3 words

    Solar, bubbling, authentic

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    Saint-Victor. Historical district with its Abbey so famous in Marseille since it is there that the famous orange blossom shuttles are blessed every year at Candlemas, but also trendy district with great addresses for a drink and a meal.

Isabelle Durand
Cultural and Urban Projects Officer
  • Marseille in 3 words

    Sunny, exuberant, engaging

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    L’Estaque, for its friendly village atmosphere, its quiet little port (where you can taste the panisses as an aperitif), its narrow streets, its church, its dazzling views of the harbour, dear to the painters Cézanne, Braque, Monticelli… who all succumbed to the charms of the southern light.

  • Marseille in 3 words

    Surprising, endearing and colourful.

  • My favourite neighbourhood

    The Camas district, centred around the important boulevard Chaves, which regularly sees the opening of new shops, new restaurants with a varied menu, new second-hand stores, bookshops, local grocery shops, bars hosting music groups…
